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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Envenom \En*ven"om\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Envenomed; p. pr. & vb. n. Envenoming.] [OE. envenimen, F. envenimer; pref. en- (L. in) + F. venin poison. See Venom.]

  1. To taint or impregnate with venom, or any substance noxious to life; to poison; to render dangerous or deadly by poison, as food, drink, a weapon; as, envenomed meat, wine, or arrow; also, to poison (a person) by impregnating with venom.

    Alcides . . . felt the envenomed robe.

    O, what a world is this, when what is comely Envenoms him that bears it!

  2. To taint or impregnate with bitterness, malice, or hatred; to imbue as with venom; to imbitter.

    The envenomed tongue of calumny.

    On the question of slavery opinion has of late years been peculiarly envenomed.
    --Sir G. C. Lewis.


n. The act by which an individual is envenomed. vb. (present participle of envenom English)