Crossword clues for enuff
det. (context informal English) Simplified variant of enough.
"Enuff" is a single by DJ Shadow from his 2006 album The Outsider. It features Q-Tip and Lateef the Truth Speaker. The name is a play on the word 'enough'.
Usage examples of "enuff".
I dont know why Im dumb agen or what I did wrong maybe its becaus I dint try hard enuff.
Thay aint over stockt with branes, but thay hav brass enuff to make suffishunt kittles to bile all the sope that will be required by the ensooin sixteen ginerashuns.
Purty soon it was norated around that Ike was going to banter me for a rassel, and, shore enuff, he did.
The pretty creetur come-hithered rayther speedy, and seized the gentleman by the whiskers, which he tore off about enuff to stuff a small cushion with.
Thay aint over stockt with branes, but thay hav brass enuff to make suffishunt kittles to bile all the sope that will be required by the ensooin sixteen ginerashuns.
The Trater's Gate is wide enuff to admit about twenty trater's abrest, I should jedge.
The house is powerful big & in a exceedin large room was his wives & children, which larst was squawkin and hollerin enuff to take the roof rite orf the house.