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n. (plural of enthusiast English)

Usage examples of "enthusiasts".

Some enthusiasts discerned the long shadows of ballistic missiles - Soviet missiles, it was ominously confided, aimed at America.

Their exploits, chronicled by the historian Curtis Peebles, ought to have made UFO enthusiasts cautious forever about crashed saucer stories from the American Southwest around 1950.

All-night vigils were undertaken by enthusiasts equipped with audio recorders and infrared vision scopes.

Some enthusiasts go out night after night into a field looking for bright lights in the sky.

In those days none of the UFO enthusiasts knew anything about these factors and a hoax seemed very unlikely.

Since many of the UFO enthusiasts are very unstable to begin with, the device has been very effective.

Flying saucer enthusiasts from coast to coast were suddenly having identical problems.

Were these calls the work of the CIA, as so many of the UFO enthusiasts believed?

But in late August she was phoning UFO enthusiasts again, showering them with predictions .

Whereas, some decades back, science fiction magazines--with their small circulation and even smaller financial rewards--could not compete in the marketplace and could gain only raw enthusiasts, there is now comparatively little else for a beginning writer to do, few other places for him to go.

The one utopian novel I actually managed to read was Looking Backward, and although it was a best-seller in its times and still has its enthusiasts, I tell you right now that if dullness could kill, reading it would be a death sentence.

But the obscurity into which nearly all these enthusiasts have subsided renders the question easier to ask than to answer.

Perkinistic enthusiasts, it may be questioned whether they would at that time have changed their opinion though one had risen from the dead to assure them that it was an error.