vb. (obsolete spelling of entertain English)
Usage examples of "entertaine".
Then shalt thou see a great and marvailous dogge, with three heads, barking continually at the soules of such as enter in, but he can do them no other harme, he lieth day and night before the gate of Proserpina, and keepeth the house of Pluto with great diligence, to whom if thou cast one of thy sops, thou maist have accesse to Proserpina without all danger : shee will make thee good cheere, and entertaine thee with delicate meate and drinke, but sit thou upon the ground, and desire browne bread, and then declare thy message unto her, and when thou hast received such beauty as she giveth, in thy returne appease the rage of the dogge with thy other sop, and give thy other halfe penny to covetous Charon, and come the same way againe into the world as thou wentest : but above all things have a regard that thou looke not in the boxe, neither be not too curious about the treasure of the divine beauty.
Whilest she her selfe thus busily did frame,Seemely to entertaine her new-come guest,Newes hereof to her other sisters came,Who all this while were at their wanton rest,Accourting each her friend with lauish fest:They were two knights of perelesse puissance,And famous far abroad for warlike gest,Which to these Ladies loue did countenaunce,And to his mistresse each himselfe stroue to aduaunce.