vb. (en-past of: ensorcel)
Usage examples of "ensorceled".
Without conscious volition Tirtha moved forward, brushing past the Falconer, her full attention claimed, as if she were indeed ensorceled by those shiny lines which spiraled, outward, becoming more and more distinct.
Other scraps had remained oddly untouched by the years and the weather, as if they had lain ensorceled during the time since the disaster.
Nevyn could easily guess that the red aura belonged to Corbyn, ensorceled and bound to Loddlaen.
When I tried to stop him, he looked in my eyes and cursed near ensorceled me.
A solid middle-aged man of about forty, he was so thoroughly ensorceled that he rose to his feet obediently the moment Sarcyn snapped his fingers.
That she had been completely ensorceled by the Thas, who had stolen her for purposes of their own because she possessed in part some of the Talent of the Power, that I had known from the moment I had seen her with those deep-earth dwellers in my quest for her freedom.