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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ensanguine \En*san"guine\, v. t. To stain or cover with blood; to make bloody, or of a blood-red color; as, an ensanguined hue. ``The ensanguined field.''


vb. to stain with blood

Usage examples of "ensanguine".

I pictured her socks in the air, her little tennis socks with the balls at the heels, those ensanguined balls, bouncing.

With a wave of his hand he swept the clubhouse into a pine-crowned gorge, turning the waiters into a grim posse, and each listener into a blood-stained fugitive, climbing with torn fingers upon the ensanguined rocks.

But, cleared her eyes of that ensanguined scud Distorting her true features, to be shown Benignly luminous, one who bears Humanity at breast, and she might learn How surely the excelling generous find Renouncement is possession.

How the bitter salt tears of the Magdelene fell upon soil ensanguined and moist with the shed blood of the Messiah.

The sky turned a thousand livid shades of gold and salmon, mad ensanguined glories that had begun in the Year of Two Earthquakes, the year before the Summerless Year.

Everybody shrieked when a large rat-like form suddenly jumped out from beneath the ensanguined bedclothes and scuttled across the floor to a fresh, open hole close by.