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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ensample \En*sam"ple\, n. [OF. ensample, essample, F. exemple. See Example.] An example; a pattern or model for imitation. [Obs.]

Being ensamples to the flock.
--1 Pet. v. 3.


Ensample \En*sam"ple\, v. t. To exemplify, to show by example. [Obs.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"precedent to be followed, illustrative instance; a pattern, model," c.1300, variant of asaumple, from Old French essample "example" (see example). The survival of this variant form is due to its use in New Testament in KJV (1 Pet. v.3).


n. (label en obsolete) An example; a pattern or model for imitation. vb. (context obsolete English) To exemplify, to show by example.

Usage examples of "ensample".

Old Oinash, for ensample, is but a doddery old time-server awaiting his pension.

Rightfully, having such a timeless life, this King weareth on his thumb that worm Ouroboros which doctors have from of old made for an ensample of eternity, whereof the end is ever at the beginning and the beginning at the end for ever more.

And shame it is, if that a priest take keep, To see a shitten shepherd and clean sheep: Well ought a priest ensample for to give, By his own cleanness, how his sheep should live.

Let us refrain from this subject, remembering how grave and learned theologians, earnest opponents of Predestinarianism, have been reduced to the extreme of perplexity when confronted with the ensample of Pharaoh.

Old Oinash, for ensample, is but a doddery old timeserver awaiting his pension.

And whan that I have toold thee forth my tale Of tribulacioun in mariage, Of which I am expert in al myn age, (This to seyn, myself have been the whippe), Than maystow chese wheither thou wolt sippe Of thilke tonne that I shal abroche, For I shal telle ensamples mo than ten.

AS when a ship, that flyes faire vnder saile,An hidden rocke escaped hath vnwares,That lay in waite her wrack for to bewaile,The Marriner yet halfe amazed staresAt perill past, and yet in doubt ne daresTo ioy at his foole-happie ouersight:So doubly is distrest twixt ioy and caresThe dreadlesse courage of this Elfin knight,Hauing escapt so sad ensamples in his sight.

It was a chosen plot of fertile land,Emongst wide waues set, like a litle nest,As if it had by Natures cunning hand,Bene choisely picked out from all the rest,And laid forth for ensample of the best:No daintie flowre or herbe, that growes on ground,No arboret with painted blossomes drest,And smelling sweet, but there it might be foundTo bud out faire, and her sweet smels throw all around.

Alle thise ensamples speke I by thise men, That been untrewe, and no thyng by wommen, For men han evere a likerous appetit On lower thyng to parfourne hire delit, Than on hire wyves, be they nevere so faire, Ne nevere so trewe, ne so debonaire.