curious, inquisitive or investigative. alt. (present participle of enquire English) n. action of the verb ''to enquire''. v
(present participle of enquire English)
Usage examples of "enquiring".
I did so I should have little liberty left me, I began by enquiring after all my old friends.
The aunt came to me as I was going out of the house, and after enquiring if I were satisfied begged me to come into the parlour.
I could no longer resist the effect made upon my senses by this beautiful girl, who, at the break of day and scarcely dressed, ran gaily into my room, came to my bed enquiring how I had slept, bent familiarly her head towards me, and, so to speak, dropped her words on my lips.
While I was waiting for him, Marina came in with a dejected countenance, enquiring how she had deserved my contempt.
Just as she was praising her husband, and telling me how happy she was, he came in, saying he was delighted to see me and asked me to stay in his house, without enquiring whether my stay in Dunkirk would be a long or short one.
When the actors came I noticed amongst them a young man whose face I did not know, and on my enquiring Rossi told me he was the prompter.
I objected that I was not yet a priest, but she foiled me by enquiring point-blank whether or not the act I had in view was to be numbered amongst the cardinal sins, for, not feeling the courage to deny it, I felt that I must give up the argument and put an end to the adventure.
Just as I was going to proffer my painful request, Brother Stephano made his appearance in my room, and burst into loud laughter enquiring whether I had forgotten the blow from his stick!
The Pope enquiring who I was, I told him, and he answered that he knew me, congratulating me upon my being in the service of so eminent a cardinal.
Lucrezia, remarking the state I was in, touched my arm, enquiring what ailed me.
She only bowed to Charles, enquiring from me whether he was likewise a clerk.
I begged of her to excuse me if I had presented myself without enquiring whether she was up.
Give me all necessary particulars to enable us to find the house without enquiring from anyone.
Finally, an my enquiring the owner of a red house in the distance, he told me, much to my surprise, that it belonged to the chief of the sbirri.
The following day I was up betimes, and on enquiring if the husband had risen I learnt that he had got up at day-break and would not be back till supper-time.