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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Enlarge \En*large"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Enlarged; p. pr. & vb. n. Enlarging.] [OF. enlargier; pref. en- (L. in) + F. large wide. See Large.]

  1. To make larger; to increase in quantity or dimensions; to extend in limits; to magnify; as, the body is enlarged by nutrition; to enlarge one's house.

    To enlarge their possessions of land.

  2. To increase the capacity of; to expand; to give free scope or greater scope to; also, to dilate, as with joy, affection, and the like; as, knowledge enlarges the mind.

    O ye Corinthians, our . . . heart is enlarged.
    --2 Cor. vi. 11.

  3. To set at large or set free. [Archaic]

    It will enlarge us from all restraints.

    Enlarging hammer, a hammer with a slightly rounded face of large diameter; -- used by gold beaters.

    To enlarge an order or To enlarge a rule (Law), to extend the time for complying with it.

    To enlarge one's self, to give free vent to speech; to spread out discourse. ``They enlarged themselves on this subject.''

    To enlarge the heart, to make free, liberal, and charitable.

    Syn: To increase; extend; expand; spread; amplify; augment; magnify. See Increase.


vb. (present participle of enlarge English)

Usage examples of "enlarging".

In operating, this instrument is introduced into the canal of the neck of the womb, when a thumb screw in the end of the handle is turned, by which a small blade is thrown out from each side, and as the instrument is withdrawn from the canal an incision is made on each side, thus enlarging the passage.

Frequent use of the catheter, without any treatment to prevent the further enlargement of the diseased gland, or to reduce its size, permits the part to go on enlarging, and, besides, the constant use of the catheter irritates the prostatic portion of the urethra, causing thickening of the lining membrane, and sooner or later a more or less complete organic stricture of this canal, depending upon thickening of the lining mucous membrane, as well as upon the encroachment of the gland itself upon this canal.

It is impossible for any clear-headed person to suppose that the ever more destructive stupidities of war can be eliminated from human affairs until some common political control dominates the earth, and unless certain pressures due to the growth of population, due to the enlarging scope of economic operations or due to conflicting standards and traditions of life, are disposed of.

Indeed, one may doubt if such a thing as happiness is possible without steadily changing conditions involving continually enlarging and exhilarating opportunities.

Intelligent men have gone from combination to combination and extended their range, year by year, without realizing how their activities were enlarging them to conspicuousness and responsibility.

A graver humanity, stronger, more lovely, longer lived, will learn and develop the ever enlarging possibilities of its destiny.

Antioch, declared her royal intention of enlarging the walls of the city, bestowed a donative of two hundred pounds of gold to restore the public baths, and accepted the statues, which were decreed by the gratitude of Antioch.

In the bloody conflict of the Ommiades and Abbassides, the Greeks had stolen the opportunity of avenging their wrongs and enlarging their limits.

His companions still cowered in his shadow, while Rowley lay motionless, a vermilion puddle enlarging about his head.

A large pool of water was enlarging about the sundial, and more was spilling over the cracked rim of the fountain.