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The Collaborative International Dictionary

English-speaking \English-speaking\ adj. able to communicate in English.

Usage examples of "english-speaking".

And one has only to look round the English-speaking world, with its labyrinth of cultural hatreds, to see that speaking the same language is no guarantee of friendship.

If by diplomacy or war she had preserved but the half or less than half of her American possessions, then a barrier would have been set to the spread of the English-speaking races, there would have been no Revolutionary War and, for a long time at least, no independence.

When war weariness is apt to sap resolution and the possibility of a patched up peace is furtively canvassed, the great world of the English-speaking race should call to remembrance the inhuman and barely credible acts of brutality and bestiality committed in cold blood by the German race.

Venusian Habitat, discussed horse breeding with a minor consular official from the Texan Dependency, was gracious to the charge d'affaires for the Titanian government-in-exile, and chatted about nothing in particular with an English-speaking sheik from the little desert kingdom of Iowa, whose ancestors had been wheat farmers before the greenhouse effect had shifted the American breadbasket northeast to the Islamic Commonwealth of Quebec.

Paton lists the major groups as Afrikaans-speaking whites, English-speaking whites, Indians, Coloureds (people of mixed ancestry), and blacks.

But our courts of law (at least those in English-speaking countries) are devised and organized, perhaps unfortunately, on the principle that testimony not apparently deduced by the syllogistic method from the observation of relevant fact is valueless, and hence woman at the very outset is placed at a disadvantage and her usefulness as a probative force sadly crippled.

Cylart from Carnarvon was due to the etymologising fancy of some English-speaking Welshman who interpreted the name as Killhart, so that the simpler legend would be only a folk-etymology.

Like so many English-speaking people I could not conceive of the words of Christ in any language but my own, but as we worked through Le Nouveau Testament in her chunky old Geneva Bible, there they were, coloured quite differently.

Furthermore, Smuts had made a political misjudgement by inviting the British Royal Family to visit the country, and their presence had served to polarize public feelings between the English-speaking jingoists and the Afrikaners.

The English-speaking countries and the Russians fought a just war to stop the crime.

The original purpose of these groups was to seek to federate the English-speaking world along lines laid down by Cecil Rhodes .

With a personal frame of reference unfazed by the English-speaking mass media, he could have no way of knowing why my neighbors were so agitated.

If Tucker even thought to send a search party across the border, he'd gravitate toward the English-speaking regions in eastern New Brunswick.

Theme: the sun never sets on the Union Jack, and there's another possible foe besides Hitler-to wit, Japan -and the English-speaking peoples (including the reluctant Americans) must stand to their guns.

Now I understood, as I had only suspected before, why an English-speaking girl was necessary to bear the collar, that she might be the device whereby I would be singled out from the hundreds and thousands among the wagons, and so be marked for death.