Crossword clues for enfolded
vb. (en-past of: enfold)
Usage examples of "enfolded".
Gentle arms enfolded him, and Elminster cried out in wonder as he felt himself lifted up, in a soaring flight that should have smashed them both into the ceiling but did not, reaching high and clear into the stars instead.
Sitting down carefully in the stoutest chair left in the Hall, the skeleton took up the tome, clutched it to its ribcage with both bony arms enfolded around it, and called on the power of the spell it had cast earlier.
Somehow she felt enfolded like that, safe, surrounded by love, and she knew she was ready for the rest too.
He waited until the don had stopped shivering so violently before he turned off the hot jets of water and enfolded the elderly man gently in a towel.
The predator in the shadows spoke softly to calm her, whispered a command even as he enfolded her in his arms.
Whereas Aunt Julia enfolded him in her arms and kissed him on the lips, beamed at him with her soft grey eyes innocent of the faintest condemnation.
The previous worldspaces are enfolded in us, precisely as our ancestral systems pathways.
Developmentalists from Loevinger to Kohlberg to Piaget have long pointed out that every stage involves various types of reworkings of previous patterns, taken up, enfolded, and reassimilated into the new structures.
After pulling her above the water line, Alex enfolded Katie in a hug even though the embrace soaked her clothing.