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New Year's month, in Madrid
This precedes febrero
January, in Tijuana
Calendario marking
Start of the year, to a 6
Start of a new año
First month of el año nuevo
Beginning of un año
January, in Juárez
January, to Juan
First month, in Mexico
Año Nuevo month
Año opener
Año beginner
Two before marzo
Summer month in Argentina
January, in Chile
It precedes febrero
First page of el calendario
Warm Argentina month
Start of the Spanish year
Start of the Mexican year
Part of un año
Month: Sp
Month in México
Mexican month
January in Jalisco
It has 31 días
First of the year in Mexico City
Calendario beginning
Winter month, in Mexico
Summer month in Santiago
Start of el calendario
Spanish year starter
Part of el año
Month in el invierno
Mexicali month
Juanita's January
January, in Mexico
Follower of diciembre
First month, in Mazatlan
First month on a Mexican calendar
First mes
Cuban Liberation Day month
Calendario inclusion
Bolivian month
Beginning of el año
After diciembre
"Feliz año nuevo" time
"Diciembre" follower
"Calendario" page
Winter month in Monterrey
Winter month in Cancún
When to wish someone un prospero año nuevo
When to say "Feliz Año Nuevo"
When to celebrate el Día de los Reyes
When to celebrate Día de Reyes
When the año nuevo begins
When Spain's "Día de Reyes "is
When most "Capricornios" were born
When José Martí was born
When Epifanía is celebrated
When Epifanía del Señor is celebrated
When el Día de los Reyes is celebrated
When el Año Nuevo occurs
What "1" may mean, in México
Warm time in Chile
Warm month in Chile
Traditional time to sing "Por los Días Pasados"
Time to say "¡Feliz año nuevo!"
Tiene treinta y uno días
The first mes
Summer month in Uruguay
Start of un año
Start of the Caracas calendar
Start of Colombia's calendar
Start of an año
Start of a Cádiz calendar
Spanish calendar starter
Spanish calendar opener
Shakira's "Día de ___"
Seville winter month
Part of summer in Latinoamérica
Opener for Don Quixote?
Next after Diciembre
Month when it's warm in Chile
Month of la Epifania
Month of invierno
Month of el día del Año Nuevo
Month numero uno
Month in Spain
Month between diciembre and febrero
Month abroad
Mes whose flower is the clavel
Mes después de la Navidad
Mes del Día de los Reyes Magos
Mes con 31 días
Madrid calendar start
January: Spanish
January: Sp
January, to José
January, to Jorge
January, to Javier
January, in Spanish
January, in Spain
January, in Jerez
January, in Havana
January, in Acapulco
January in Toledo
January in Peru
January in Madrid
January in Havana
January in Buenos Aires
January to Cortez
January in Acapulco
Italian : gennaio :: Spanish : __
It's not chilly in Chile
It starts a week after la Navidad
It lasts 744 horas
It begins un año
It began on viernes in 2010
Hot month in Paraguay
First page of un calendario
First month, to Jennifer Lopez
First month, to Felipe
First month, south of the border
First month, in Cancun
First month of el año
First month in Majorca
First month in el año
First month after a nuevo ano
First calendario page
First calendario month
Febrero predecessor
El primero de los meses
El Día de Los Reyes month
Diciembre-febrero link
Diciembre-febrero go-between
Día de Reyes month
Día de Reyes mes
Día de los Santos Reyes month
Día de los Reyes month
Día de los Reyes mes
Dia de los Reyes Magos month
Cuba's Liberation Day month
Cool time in Madrid
Cold time in Madrid
Cold time in Toledo
Chile hot time
Capricornio-Acuario time
Cancún year opener
Calendario opening
Calendario month
Calendario commencer
Calendario beginner
Barcelona's coldest month
Año's start
Año's beginning
Año nuevo starter
Año beginner
{Diciembre}'s follower
"Febrero" preceder
"1" in Spain, perhaps
Start of the año nuevo
Hot time in Chile
January, in JuГЎrez
AГ±o opener
Start of an aГ±o
When the aГ±o nuevo begins
When to celebrate el ano nuevo
January, in Jalisco
Ano nuevo time
Hot time in Santiago
Mes numero uno
Start of a new aГ±o
Julio's opposite
Vacation time in Buenos Aires
Month in Managua
Calendario opener
Beach time in Buenos Aires
A month in Madrid
When it's least chilly in Chile
First month of the ano
Month after diciembre
Diciembre follower
AГ±o starter
Febrero's predecessor
First month of el aГ±o
AГ±o Nuevo time
Start of the aГ±o
When PlГЎcido Domingo was born
Febrero follows it
When DГa de Reyes is celebrated
January in Guadalajara
When to say "Feliz AГ±o Nuevo"
Summer time in Argentina
First month in Madrid
Start of el aГ±o
First month on a calendario
When Cuba celebrates Liberation Day
Calendario page heading
Six months from julio
It follows 25-Across in Spain
Hot time in Argentina
Month in which JosГ© MartГ was born
Start of the year, to a 63-Across
Page of un calendario
Start of the aГ±o nuevo
El primer mes del aГ±o
Madrid month
A month abroad
January in JuГЎrez
Month in Madrid
Month before febrero
First page of a calendario
Summer time in Buenos Aires
Month "The Motorcycle Diaries" begins
First of 12 abroad
When to celebrate el aГ±o nuevo
Hot month in Chile
Start of the Spanish calendar
Monterrey month
New Year's month, overseas
First month in MГ©xico
When most Capricornios are born
Summer month in South America
Juan's January
Month that includes Capricornio
What "1" may mean, in MГ©xico
DГa de los Reyes month
Month when Chile is far from chilly
Beginning of un aГ±o
When to celebrate el DГa de los Reyes
When to celebrate DГa de Reyes
Part of summer in Santiago
Winter month in Spain
DГa de los Santos Reyes month
It has 31 dГas
AГ±o's start
Warm month in South America
First of 12 in South America
When EpifanГa is celebrated
Janvier, across the Pyrenees
It's opposite julio on a calendario
Part of summer in LatinoamГ©rica
Start of a Mexican calendar
When JosГ© MartГ was born
Summer month in Buenos Aires
Start of el 37-Across
When to wish someone un prospero aГ±o nuevo
56-Down opener
Calendario starter
Año starter
Start of el año
"When to say "Feliz A"
When Día de Reyes is celebrated
January in Juárez
Month in which José Martí was born
"What "1" may mean, in M"
When the año nuevo begins
Start of an Asunción año
When Plácido Domingo was born
Don's January
Before febrero
Cold period in Spain
Calendario part
Febrero preceder
Summer month in Montevideo
January, in Lima
When it's warm in Chile
Pablo's first month
Franco's January
Winter month in Honduras
Año beginning
Año start
Granada month
Spanish month
Hot month in La Paz
First month in Córdoba
First of 12, in Madrid
It follows diciembre
Chilly time in Spain
Julio's January
Winter month in Madrid
Month of the año
El primer mes del año
January, in Zaragoza
Juárez January
Diciembre's follower
January, in Trujillo
Start of señor's year
January, to señor
Winter period in Barcelona
First month in Tijuana
Predecessor of febrero
Jalisco January
January, in Avila
Primero mes
January, in Madrid
Pedro's January
Month in Pamplona
It starts when diciembre ends
Hot month in Buenos Aires
January, in Rio
Winter month in Catalonia
Barcelona month
January, in Seville
Hot month in Uruguay
Winter month in Toledo
January, to Julio
Part of invierno
Winter month in Barcelona
First month, in Lima
Period of time in Spain
Resolution time for José
January, in Santiago
January, in Cádiz
Invierno month
January, in Jaén
January, to Albéniz
Resolution time in Toledo
Month in Manuel's year
January, to Don José
Summer month on the pampas
First on a calendario