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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Enduring \En*dur"ing\,

  1. Lasting; durable; long-suffering; as, an enduring disposition. ``A better and enduring substance.''

  2. x. 34. -- En*dur"ing*ly, adv.
    --T. Arnold. -- En*dur"ing*ness, n.


adv. In an enduring manner or fashion; such as to endure


adv. in an enduring manner; "Roman culture was enduringly fertilized"

Usage examples of "enduringly".

She’d struggled to make her interest in the case seem enduringly offhand.

Her pretty scarf, which was the pearl-gray color of an oyster, perfectly separated her breasts, which Eddie could see were enduringly well formed.

By the lines of a resolute expression enduringly fixed on her face, she appeared to be a woman with a shell as tight as a beetle's and just as hard.

Sometimes Gloria attributed her enduringly lean posterior to the fact that she had made a novena to the Blessed Virgin three times each year since the age of nine, when she'd first become aware that sudden colossal butt expansion might lie in her future.