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a. Within, or through the trachea


Usage examples of "endotracheal".

Oxygen and carbon dioxide had to move, and for that we had to insert an endotracheal tube and breathe for him.

Putting down an endotracheal tube was, to me, a subject fit for nightmares.

Had the decision gone the other way, in favor of an attempted resuscitation, my first move would have been to insert an endotracheal tube so that we could breathe for him.

Turning around, I saw the ER intern coming at a run toward me in the blue light of the hall, clutching his laryngoscope and an endotracheal tube.

I had pushed in there earlier by mistake, through the misplaced endotracheal tube.

Harry said that he would be by this morning to remove the endotracheal tube and you will be able to talk then.

With that he broke the small pressure reservoir tube and deflated the endotracheal tube.

Then he inserted the laryngoscope, an endotracheal tube, and attached an ambu bag, which he connected to the wall oxygen source.

Jeffrey slipped in an endotracheal tube, checked its position, and ventilated her well with the oxygen.

Yale medical student and had never really thought of fighting until I got shut out of an endotracheal intubation seminar and signed up for a boxing class instead.

Her arms were restrained to keep her from pulling out the endotracheal tube.

I could black out from lack of oxygen, a cruel hand forced an endotracheal tube into my throat.

His mouth hung agape, an endotracheal tube protruding like a plastic snake.

She rose stiffly to her feet and watched, exhausted, as the EMTs inserted IVs and an endotracheal tube, as the stretcher was loaded into the ambulance.

The crown of her head was encased in bandages, and her mouth was obscured by the protruding endotracheal tube, but her face was clearly visible.