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n. Any toxin secreted by a microorganism and released into the surrounding environment only when it dies.


n. a toxin that is confined inside the microorganisms and is released only when the microorganisms are broken down or die [ant: exotoxin]

Usage examples of "endotoxin".

They display lipopolysaccharide endotoxin in their walls, and these macromolecules are read by our tissues as the very worst of bad news.

There is nothing intrinsically poisonous about endotoxin, but it must look awful, or feel awful, when sensed by cells.

The horseshoe crab is a primitive fossil of a beast, ancient and uncitified, but he is just as vulnerable to disorganization by endotoxin as a rabbit or a man.

It is when confronted by the overwhelming signal of free molecules of endotoxin, evoking memories of vibrios in great numbers, that the limulus flies into panic, launches all his defenses at once, and destroys himself.