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alt. (present participle of endeavour English) n. (alt form endeavoring English) vb. (present participle of endeavour English)

Usage examples of "endeavouring".

Renaldo, whom he proposed to serve, for the future, with fidelity and affection, thereby endeavouring to atone for the treachery of his former conduct.

Julie was at first unprepared for a reply, whilst her aunt, who construed this silent embarrassment into joy for such unexpected good fortune, began to enlarge upon the subject, endeavouring at the same time to contaminate the pure principles of her heart with the precepts which had infected her own.

She then expatiated with equal success upon the consequences of indulged superstition, and the indispensable necessity of endeavouring to liberate the mind from the shackles of vulgar prejudices, which, she concluded with remarking, was considered by the discerning as the irrefragable testimony of an exalted mind.

As she stood for a few moments endeavouring to overcome the agony that this strange adventure had excited, as well as to consider if it was not possible, by timely interference, to avert the fate that awaited this victim of perhaps unjust resentment, she heard a noise like the undrawing of rusty bolts, which was followed by the sound of footsteps, apparently proceeding towards her.

Signora, ardently desirous of exciting an interest in the heart of her young and amiable guest, began to relate several incidents of her past life, endeavouring by her example to betray her into a similar and mutual confidence.

By endeavouring to work upon my feelings, in thus appealing to my heart, you have been striving to wrest from me a confession, which perhaps I ought not to make.

How often, since I have been wandering in unsuccessful pursuits, have I dismissed Anselmo, that I might indulge my melancholy in secret, and fastening my horse to the sapless branches of an oak, have rambled about in the still and silent hour of evening, endeavouring to recall the exact expression of your countenance, to recollect the tones of your voice, and every word you have uttered, in those charming moments of unrestrained and mutual confidence which we have enjoyed together.

She perused his letter again and again, endeavouring, though without success, to inform herself of the occasion of his absence, and still more of his unaccountable silence.

Marchese now believing that he had convinced his Casiera that Laurette had deservedly forfeited all claim to his protection from having voluntarily quitted the castle, less frequently came into her presence than before, still endeavouring to find that repose he had lost amid the wildest scenes of Nature, which his dark discoloured imagination rendered still more dreary.

I thought you was endeavouring to discover the authors of this assassination, and was applying to me for assistance.

As the novices, who followed in the rear, moved slowly from the chapel, Enrico observed them with peculiar attention, endeavouring to discover Madame Chamont, but without success.

Square said, he had been endeavouring to reconcile the behaviour of Tom with his idea of perfect virtue, but could not.

While I have been endeavouring to fill her mind with maxims of prudence, you have been provoking her to reject them.

If I have not therefore importuned you on this head, you will impute it only to my fear of offending the lady, by endeavouring to hurry on so blessed an event faster than a strict compliance with all the rules of decency and decorum will permit.

He had not entered far into the wood before he beheld a most shocking sight indeed, a woman stript half naked, under the hands of a ruffian, who had put his garter round her neck, and was endeavouring to draw her up to a tree.