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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Endearing \En*dear"ing\, a. Making dear or beloved; causing love. -- En*dear"ing*ly, adv.


adv. In an endearing manner


adv. in an adorable manner; "the toddler behaved adorably" [syn: adorably]

Usage examples of "endearingly".

That reminded him of how thrifty she was, and he promptly decided-at least for the moment-that her thriftiness was one of her most endearingly amusing qualities.

In three months, as John McPhee notes in In Suspect Terrain, the endearingly named Pithole City went from a population of zero to 15,000, and other towns throughout the region sprang up--Oil City, Petroleum Center, Red Hot.

Even now she could see Sam sprawled in the brown leather reclining chair looking endearingly handsome in his faded blue jeans and navy blue rugby shirt.