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n. (plural of encrustation English)

Usage examples of "encrustations".

Radiator panels stacked in kilometre-high cones stood next to circular fan towers of faint-glowing fins, minarets of spiralling glass tubes with hot gases rushing through them competed for root space with encrustations of black pillars like a spiky crystal growth, whose sheer ends fluoresced coral pink.

With its cylindrical shape and vast encrustations of machinery capping each end its genealogy appeared to be midway between ordinary asteroid settlements and an Edenist habitat.

The chestnut trees around the prim lawn were denuded of leaves, leaving the branches glinting under encrustations of ice like clustered quartz.

In order to prove their qualifications anc allegations, DeVeer learned more about the workings of warp-drive engines, fuel capacities, gauges the pitting of ship skins from forced warp jumps and the condition of lubricants, greases, flux levels and rocket tube encrustations than he would evei again need.

A good deal of the encrustations had been chipped off and someone was polishing the metal.

Similar ugly encrustations adorned the factories, additional shielding hastily erected over inlets and grilles.

Dumarest looked at the warted encrustations on the skin, the puffed cysts marring the lines of the scalp.