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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Encounter \En*coun"ter\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Encountered; p. pr. & vb. n. Encountering.] [OF. encontrer; pref. en- (L. in) + contre against, L. contr

  1. See Counter, adv.] To come against face to face; to meet; to confront, either by chance, suddenly, or deliberately; especially, to meet in opposition or with hostile intent; to engage in conflict with; to oppose; to struggle with; as, to encounter a friend in traveling; two armies encounter each other; to encounter obstacles or difficulties, to encounter strong evidence of a truth.

    Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoics, encountered him.
    --Acts xvii. 18.

    I am most fortunate thus accidentally to encounter you.


n. An act by which something is encountered. vb. (present participle of encounter English)

Usage examples of "encountering".

Humans must interdict that system to prevent the unwary from ever encountering those devastating sentients.

As I have mentioned before, any ship of the Fleet encountering shipwrecked survivors is required to render whatever reasonable assistance is requested.

Then they were being cycled through it, Lance helping him from the rover, encountering the three-quarters Earth gravity that First Base maintained within the dome.

He figured by the upward progress on which the rating had led him that he was housed in 'executive territory' but he made another upwardly mobile short journey to an even more prestigious level, encountering more and more officers of high rank as he progressed - inward now, he thought.

She squeezed her eyes shut against the pain of encountering him when she returned, and, perhaps, finding no recollection of her in his dark eyes.

But this time, after encountering the possessed out at the Soeberg homestead, he had forced the return pace, stopping only to kill a danderil, his mind host to a whole coven of thoughts along the theme of what if.

The serjeants haven’t got far enough inland to decrease the length of the front line appreciably, yet they’re encountering a lot of possessed.

We drove for hours, finally encountering the black road, paralleling it for a time, then heading off in another direction.

The engagement explained our own good fortune in not encountering defensive patrols on the way up.

En route, I had passed through the land of Lorraine, there encountering my old exiled Avalonian general Ganelon, or someone very much like him.

I did journey to the city in the sky that night, encountering a confusing collection of signs and portents, signifying perhaps nothing, and collecting a peculiar mechanical arm from the ghost of my brother Benedict while I was about it.

The abstract version of Oberon continued to reach, scribbled spirit hands encountering the writhing limbs of Chaos.

Theodosius the younger was never reduced to the disgraceful necessity of encountering and punishing a rebellious subject: and since we cannot applaud the vigor, some praise may be due to the mildness and prosperity, of the administration of Pulcheria.

The favorite of Justinian (it has been fiercely urged) was fearful of encountering the light of freedom and the gravity of Roman sages.

For next day after encountering the gay Bachelor, whales were seen and four were slain.