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The Collaborative International Dictionary

encompassing \encompassing\ adj. closely enveloping or surrounding on all sides.

Syn: ambient, enveloping, surrounding(prenominal).


vb. (present participle of encompass English)

  1. adj. broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers" [syn: across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket(a), broad, panoptic, wide]

  2. closely encircling; "encompassing mountain ranges"; "the surrounding countryside" [syn: encompassing(a), surrounding(a)]

Usage examples of "encompassing".

All of these diagrams claim to be holistic, to cover all of reality in an encompassing fashion.

Everybody agrees that that is indeed a holistic sequenceeach member includes its predecessor(s) but not vice versa, and thus each successive member is indeed more encompassing (or more holistic).

If it is working (in its own way, in its own place), then that ends the discussion about values, about which system is higher or lower, deeper or shallower, better or worse, more encompassing or less encompassing.

From one principle—that everything at its most microscopic level consists of combinations of vibrating strands—string theory provides a single explanatory framework capable of encompassing all forces and all matter.

Schrödinger sought and found a mathematical framework encompassing the experimentally discovered wave-particle duality, but he did not, at that early stage of understanding, incorporate special relativity.

She wanted to fling herself against him and give herself up to that encompassing fire.

After the encompassing, almost suffocating care of the first twenty-two years of her life, the solitude and self-reliance of the last six had been especially sweet.

The distances between islands of the Tongan archipelago, as well as the distances between Tonga and neighboring archipelagoes, were sufficiently modest that a multi-island empire encompassing 40,000 people was eventually established.

Like Tonga, Hawaii became a political entity encompassing several populous islands, but one confined to a single archipelago because of its extreme isolation.

The Fertile Crescent, encompassing sites of food production before 7000 it.

Quite a few of those families occupy large contiguous areas—in the case of Indo-European, the area encompassing most of Europe east through much of western Asia to India.

Africa is the only continent to extend from the northern to the southern temperate zone, while also encompassing some of the world's driest deserts, largest tropical rain forests, and highest equatorial mountains.

Chapters 16 and 17 integrate developments in Australia and New Guinea into the perspective of the whole region encompassing the East Asian mainland and Pacific islands.

For instance, one couldn't just divide Holland's 16,000 square miles and 16,000,000 people into 800,000 individual territories, each encompassing 13 acres and serving as home to an autonomous band of 20 people who remained self-sufficient confined within their 13 acres, occasionally taking advantage of a temporary truce to come to the borders of their tiny territory in order to exchange some trade items and brides with the next band.

Quite a few of those families occupy large contiguous areas--in the case of Indo-European, the area encompassing most of Europe east through much of western Asia to India.