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n. (plural of encirclement English)

Usage examples of "encirclements".

But the German nation, with its strong instinct for survival and growth, had time and again rallied and thrown off foreign encirclements and yokes.

Hordes were captured, but more hordes abandoned tanks and guns to slip through our encirclements in the night.

We then exploit that benefit to perform encirclements and flanking maneuvers on the purely western forces.

Political regions were delineated by subtle encirclements of color the Core systems, the Outer Rim Territories, Wild Space, the Unknown Regions.

Political regions were delineated by subtle encirclements of color: the Core systems, the Outer Rim Territories, Wild Space, the Unknown Regions.

Hunlaki admired the riders, though the Heruls, in their vaster numbers, with their better mounts, bred for centuries for the chase and war, their superb skills, of horsemanship and war, honed by centuries of revered tradition, their swiftness, their forced marches, their encirclements, had defeated them.

The rallies and the feints, the diversions and encirclements all became one confusion.