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vb. (en-past of: emprison)

Usage examples of "emprisoned".

He had been reduced for a time, but he had survived, preserved by the law of Time which emprisoned him upon the Earth so the legends said.

In outrage and pain, the Creator cast his Enemy down-out of the universal heavens onto the Earth-and emprisoned him here within the arch of Time.

Slowly, the buzz scaled upward, as if a swarm of huge, mad bees were emprisoned in the dirt.

He was emprisoned here while every degree of the sun, every heartbeat of time, carried his companions closer to death.

Half a thousand people could have been emprisoned here, and no one who lacked Vain's instincts or knowledge could ever have found them.

The three had been captured by Lord Foul, emprisoned by the might of the Illearth Stone, mastered by Ravers.

Half a thousand people could have been emprisoned here, and no one who lacked Vain’s instincts or knowledge could ever have found them.

The Cimmerian was no longer the same man who had emprisoned a part of her and carried it away with him.