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emperor penguins

n. (emperor penguin English)

Usage examples of "emperor penguins".

For on arriving at Cape Crozier they found that the Emperor penguins had already hatched out their young, and Wilson was delighted to get the opportunity of studying the chicks at such a tender age.

A little group of Emperor penguins huddled on a floe watched us go, bowing sedately as though to hide the joy they felt at our departure in diplomatic etiquette.

Small colonies of emperor penguins still clung to the shores of the Java Sea and Indonesia.

On the Antarctic ice cap, a survey team found a close-packed colony of emperor penguins quietly nursing their eggs in the polar winter.

There are also perhaps two million Weddel seals, at least half a million emperor penguins, and maybe as many as four million Adé.

A while later I began learning more than anyone needed to know of the reproductive cycle of emperor penguins.