Crossword clues for emotionlessness
n. The property of being emotionless.
n. apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions [syn: impassivity, impassiveness, phlegm, indifference, stolidity, unemotionality]
absence of emotion [syn: unemotionality] [ant: emotionality]
Usage examples of "emotionlessness".
He was certain that her mask of emotionlessness, even the fighting skills the Sidhe Foundation held in such evident regard, could not really shield her.
The threat was scarcely unexpected, yet he hadn't counted on how the emotionlessness, the total lack of interest or anger, in the demon-jester's piping voice would hone the jagged edges of his fear.
No doubt that emotionlessness was largely the product of whatever translated the demon-jester's language into English, but not all of it was.
The threat was scarcely unexpected, yet he hadn’t counted on how the emotionlessness, the total lack of interest or anger, in the demon-jester’s piping voice would hone the jagged edges of his fear.
No doubt that emotionlessness was largely the product of whatever translated the demon-jester’s language into English, but not all of it was.
He forced himself to speak calmly and quietly, calling on the emotionlessness that some of his personalities had been taught so long ago back on Mars.
There was something about the flat emotionlessness of his voice that compelled an answer more than a show of agitated interest would have.
He saw now that he and Kamisaka came from different worlds—just as he and Mariana had been separated by the gulf of emotionlessness with which he had deliberately surrounded himself.
It sounded Human but had some of the sepulchral emotionlessness of a Robotech Master's.