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adv. In an emotional manner; displaying emotion.

  1. adv. in an emotional manner; "at the funeral he spoke emotionally" [syn: showing emotion] [ant: unemotionally]

  2. with regard to emotions; "emotionally secure"

Usage examples of "emotionally".

That quest was abetted by a sympathetic schoolteacher, Rebecca, who saw in the lad a glimmering hope that occasionally there might be resurrection from a bitter life sentence in the emotionally barren and aesthetically vitiated Kentucky hamlet, and who ultimately seduced him.

Certainly, if a female manager or leader is seen crying and emotionally disabled in a situation that might be handled aggressively by a strong male, she will lose prestige in the eyes of many people.

In a less strenuous mode, his mother painted countless aquarelles for him, as she had since he was an infant, but although he remained emotionally indebted to her melting hues, his own experiments only made the paper warp and curl.

He was careful not to try to refute the irrefutable, arguing instead that religion, faith, will always be more rewarding, more emotionally satisfying, more morally uplifting than philosophy, and that insofar as Christians led moral and productive lives the religion justified itself.

Everything hinged on my catching Astel off-guard, of maintaining the upper hand emotionally.

Was she macring like a codependent when she should instead be glad he was getting back on his feet emotionally?

She had allowed Dagon to disrupt her emotionally, and that was not acceptable behavior for a witch of her capacity.

Not only was he adopted, he was also dyslexic, uncoordinated, and mentally, emotionally, and physically tormented for the vast majority of his childhood.

Of course, it was an ephemeral trait, one Paul had in full measure, to ignore the life-threatening in favor of the emotionally satisfying.

Rita Clay Estrada Her heart wanted to break with the thought of him being hurt, either physically or emotionally.

Together with the tremendous soul-switch of knowing about Vicaria and livideo, the fawnish wood nymph was suddenly a woman, suddenly emotionally mature.

Increasingly, though, he was guiltily aware that while Margot was so emotionally dependent on him, he was not free to live his own life.

Other types of poetry may use an occasional hemistich to give the effect of emotionally disturbed thought or action.

Burke had seemed to improve with each session, agreeing with Judd that there was no conspiracy, that he was only overworked and emotionally exhausted.

Plum and Giles were the least emotionally affected, Ribble decided to interview them first.