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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Emong \E*mong"\, Emongst \E*mongst"\, prep. Among. [Obs.]


prep. (obsolete form of amongst English)

Usage examples of "emongst".

Which when Malbecco saw, out of his bushVpon his hands and feete he crept full light,And like a Gote emongst the Gotes did rush,That through the helpe of his faire hornes on hight,And misty dampe of misconceiuing night,And eke through likenesse of his gotish beard,He did the better counterfeite aright:So home he marcht emongst the horned heard,That none of all the Satyres him espyde or heard.

But were it not, that Time their troubler is,All that in this delightfull Gardin growes,Should happie be, and haue immortall blis:For here all plentie, and all pleasure flowes,And sweet loue gentle fits emongst them throwes,Without fell rancor, or fond gealosie.

Rude was his garment, and to rags all rent,Ne better had he, ne for better cared:With blistred hands emongst the cinders brent,And fingers filthie, with long nayles vnpared,Right fit to rend the food, on which he fared.

And them amongst, some were of burnisht gold,So made by art, to beautifie the rest,Which did themselues emongst the leaues enfold,As lurking from the vew of couetous guest,That the weake bowes, with so rich load opprest,Did bow adowne, as ouer-burdened.

There Atin found Cymochles soiourning,To serue his Lemans loue: for he, by kind,Was giuen all to lust and loose liuing,When euer his fiers hands he free mote find:And now he has pourd out his idle mindIn daintie delices, and lauish ioyes,Hauing his warlike weapons cast behind,And flowes in pleasures, and vaine pleasing toyes,Mingled emongst loose Ladies and lasciuious boyes.

And in the midst thereof vpon the floure,A louely beuy of faire Ladies sate,Courted of many a iolly Paramoure,The which them did in modest wise amate,And each one sought his Lady to aggrate:And eke emongst them litle Cupid playdHis wanton sports, being returned lateFrom his fierce warres, and hauing from him laydHis cruell bow, wherewith he thousands hath dismayd.