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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Emmenagogue \Em*men"a*gogue\, n. [Gr. ?, n. pl., menses (? in + ? month) + ? leading, fr. ? to lead: cf. F. emm['e]nagogue.] (Med.) A medicine that promotes the menstrual discharge.


n. (context medicine English) herb that stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus, causing menstruation.


n. any agent that promotes menstrual discharge


Emmenagogues (also spelled emmenagogs) are herbs which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus; some stimulate menstruation. Women use emmenagogues to stimulate menstrual flow when menstruation is absent for reasons other than pregnancy, such as hormonal disorders or conditions like oligomenorrhea (infrequent or light menses).

Usage examples of "emmenagogue".

The dose as an emmenagogue, of the fluid extract, is from two to five drops, and to arrest hemorrhage, from half a drachm to two drachms, repeated in from one to three hours.

This powerful emmenagogue was a kind of unguent composed of several drugs, such as saffron, myrrh, etc.

The berries in decoction are diaphoretic and emmenagogue, like those of Common Juniper, and the leaves have diuretic properties.

A direct emmenagogue, a tonic in dyspepsia, an expectorant in the absence of feverish symptoms, a stimulant to the mucous tissues, a stomachic carminative, exciting appetite and the flow of gastric juice, and an astringent wash.

Cistus Creticus, or European Rock Rose, the only other plant of the order used in medicine, yields the gum resin Ladanum or Labdanum, a natural exudation valued as a stimulant expectorant and emmenagogue.

Used in herbal medicine in diarrhoea and as an emmenagogue, the infusion of 1 OZ.