- Brew infused with Australian fruit upset writer
- "J'accuse" author
- Dreyfus defender
- Dreyfus Affair figure
- "Thérèse Raquin" novelist
- "Les Rougon-Macquart" author
- Writer who pioneered in naturalism
- Writer painted by Manet
- Writer interred in the Panthéon
- Nominee for the first two Nobel Prizes in Literature (1901-02), but never won
- Childhood friend of Paul Cézanne
- "The Experimental Novel" novelist
- Writer interred in the PanthГ©on
- Author who was the title subject of the Best Picture of 1937
- Alfred Dreyfus's defender
- "The Life of ___": 1937 Oscar winner
- Keeping some distance, Ezra Pound falls in love with a French writer
- French author turning green, zeal destroyed - nothing penned
- Author's odd email covering sign about last letter
- Long way after English, unknown Portuguese greeting French author
- Author's fictional land inspired by drink, something juicy written up