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n. (plural of embrasure English)

Usage examples of "embrasures".

To one of the merlons, a jutting stone stub between two embrasures, a stripped pine trunk was lashed tight.

Sharpe, who had been sitting in one of the embrasures that faced the channel, looked up.

Once in place, hidden close to the fortress, a Forlorn Hope would charge across the masonry bridge of the dam, put ladders to the closest embrasures, and climb.

Riflemen, sent by Frederickson on to the western rampart, cleared the water bastion and, leaning in its cannon embrasures, enfiladed the ladders.

Most men, their weapons cleaned, just sat by the embrasures and stared into empty air.

Sharpe waited, standing in one of the embrasures with his sword drawn.

An officer had organized two companies to give the parapet a blast of musketry just as a sergeant reached the top of the ladder, and the fusillade cleared the embrasures as the sergeant clambered over the wall.

The city walls were bright with flags, while its embrasures glinted with the reflection of sunlight from gun barrels.

Smoke gouted thick as blood from the cannon embrasures and Sharpe saw the ground ahead of him churn with the strike of canister.

There was no glacis to climb, no ravelins to flank, no embrasures to gout cannon-fire.

Guiscard de Courcy was waiting by an open panel of one of the wide window embrasures, trying to catch a breath of cooler air.

It was a fine, large room, well suited for a library, with two tall, wide window embrasures in the wall opposite the door that spilled an abundance of afternoon sunlight over the flagstones of the floor.

Later, Javan noticed him in one of the window embrasures off to the right, with Cathan Drummond and the two Fitz-Arthur boys again, talking animatedly to several pretty girls, one of whom was Michaela.

In anticipation of the Council meeting scheduled for later in the afternoon, Lords Albertus, Rhun, and Udaut were huddled around a charcoal brazier in one of the window embrasures, for the weather had turned in the past week.

The open embrasures were further strengthened by the addition of wooden shutters, which could be closed to shield against missiles.