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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Embolden \Em*bold"en\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Emboldened; p. pr. & vb. n. Emboldening.] To give boldness or courage to; to encourage.

The self-conceit which emboldened him to undertake this dangerous office.
--Sir W. Scott.

  1. Having been made bold. v

  2. (en-past of: embolden)


adj. made bold or courageous

Usage examples of "emboldened".

Now and then a splash, sometimes accompanied by a scream, marked the fall of someone into the river, where more boggarts, emboldened and scenting blood in the water, came swarming out from the stream they had just navigated their way through.

The conflict of Eugenius with the fathers of Basil, and the weight or apprehension of a new excise, emboldened and provoked the Romans to usurp the temporal government of the city.

Much emboldened by this indication of her changed status, Lessa reached for the plumpest piece of fruit.

Chillip was emboldened by that, and the negus together, to give his head several short shakes, and thoughtfully exclaim, 'Ah, dear me!

With supreme confidence, emboldened by her gesture, the earl of March set course on his first proposal of marriage.

Filber, who didn't know this, felt emboldened to say, "Yes, my lord, he hurt her very badly.

But she smiled prettily up at the young man, and he felt emboldened to speak of his adventures in a Paris now freed from Napoleon's influence.

Indeed, Sarah was emboldened to believe the earl had been on the verge of succumbing to her.

Then he was emboldened to put to them the question whether it was their will and resolve that he should reign.

As usual, the enemy were emboldened by the lack of courage on the other side.

The Sabines, emboldened by their success of the previous year, were incessantly provoking them and urging them to fight, and wanting to know why they were wasting their time in petty incursions and retreats like banditti, and fettering away the effort of one decisive action in a number of insignificant engagements.

Could their ancestors have divined that all their concessions only served to make the plebs more exacting, not more friendly, since their first success only emboldened them to make more and more urgent demands, it was quite certain that they would have gone any lengths in resistance sooner than allow these laws to be forced upon them.

More ants, emboldened by the investigations of their scout, began to crawl over his skin.

Todd had taken another step forward, emboldened, the crowd consolidating behind him.

But there was nothing to guarantee that, emboldened, they would not go farther, given time.