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vb. (en-third-person singular of: embellish)

Usage examples of "embellishes".

At least the overall metaphor works on some level, as the aria he embellishes is sung by the Lord High Executioner, which is doubtless a position he’d have liked to hold officially.

And as a matter of fact, the fatalism of the weak-willed embellishes itself surprisingly when it can pose as "la religion de la souffrance humaine".

At the present time, standing where we do and regarding the horizon behind us, we see only forms which the intervening atmosphere embellishes, shimmering contours which each spectator may interpret in his own fashion.

We do not pretend to say that such rhetoric is always bad, and always scatters in places it should not the flowers with which it embellishes history.

To have you as long as possible near me, to hear your eloquent speech, — which embellishes my mind, strengthens my soul, and makes my whole frame capable of great and terrible things, if I should ever be free, — so fills my whole existence, that the despair to which I was just on the point of yielding when I knew you, has no longer any hold over me.