vb. (misspelling of embarrass English)
Usage examples of "embarass".
He had no wish to embarass the Government in any way, but was simply desirous of impressing on it the importance of early action in the matter, with the view to the preservation or modification of the Reciprocity Treaty.
He felt embarassed and ungainly, like a youngster whose crush on some girl had inadvertently been exposed.
She stowed the hauberk with the rest of her gear, embarassed to see her hands shake.
As with Cat's Karma, this story is a little rough, and I'm not a little bit embarassed by it.
Self-opening doors with motion trackers tend to be a bit embarassing if you're wandering around in your underwear inside and someone outside happens to walk by your door.
While they tucked into porridge and eggs and bacon, Harry and Ron told Hermione about their embarassing conversation with Hagrid the previous evening.