The Collaborative International Dictionary
Emasculate \E*mas"cu*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Emasculated; p. pr. & vb. n. Emasculating.] [L. emasculare; e + masculus male, masculine. See Male masculine.]
To deprive of virile or procreative power; to castrate power; to castrate; to geld.
To deprive of masculine vigor or spirit; to weaken; to render effeminate; to vitiate by unmanly softness.
Luxury had not emasculated their minds.
--V. Knox.
vb. (present participle of emasculate English)
Usage examples of "emasculating".
For similar reasons, and animated by the same considerate patriotism, that same chief pontiff of yours-I still refer to him who was adjudged Rome’s best man without one dissentient voice-threw cold water on the proposal of the senate to build a circle of seats round the theatre, and in a very weighty speech warned them against allowing the luxurious manners of Greece to sap the Roman manliness, and persuaded them not to yield to the enervating and emasculating influence of foreign licentiousness.
This Great Mother of the gods, however, has brought mutilated men into Roman temples, and has preserved that cruel custom, being believed to promote the strength of the Romans by emasculating their men.
What they've actually done is play a major role in emasculating humankind!
I had the highest hopes of a successful diagnosis by tracing the roots and the outcome of Robert de Neville’s emasculating ailment.
Peter pulled the machete from his pants to keep from emasculating himself in this posture.
He had allowed a girl to prod him into the emasculating display of uncontrolled rage.