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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Emancipatory \E*man"ci*pa*to*ry\, a. Pertaining to emancipation, or tending to effect emancipation. ``Emancipatory laws.''
--G. Eliot.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1650s; see emancipate + -ory.


a. Of or pertaining to emancipation or to an emancipator.

Usage examples of "emancipatory".

Ever since the revolutionary days of 1905-6, Professor Milyukov has been playing a most conspicuous part in the Russian emancipatory movement, as the leader of the Constitutional party, as a Duma deputy and the editor of the influential radical newspaper Ryech.

Russian emancipatory movements, it is he who formed the revolutionary organisation, it is he who marched under the red banners.

If there can be no question of the dependence of the emancipation movement on the Jews, the dependence of the Jews on the emancipatory movement is very real.

That is why the entire Jewish mass may actually be reckoned in the ranks of those who are with the Russian emancipatory movement.

Russian emancipatory movement would bring them any immediate practical results, have sought to influence the Government by means of more direct methods.

They are inclined to think that this way is more direct than the participation in the Russian emancipatory movement.

The Jews must bear in mind with especial clearness that their fate is closely and inseparably interwoven with the fate of the general emancipatory movement in Russia.

Tyrants know there is in the work of art an emancipatory force, which is mysterious only to those who do not revere it.