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n. (plural of emanation English)


__NOTOC__ "Emanations" is the ninth episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

Emanations (Penderecki)

Emanations, also referred to by its original German title Emanationen or by its Polish title Emanacje, is a composition for two orchestras by Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki. Composed in 1958, it is one of his early compositions.

Usage examples of "emanations".

Only a small portion of those emanations is within reach of human awareness, and that small portion is still further reduced, to a minute fraction, by the constraints of our daily lives.

They also realized that organisms are constructed to grasp a certain range of those emanations and that every species has a definite range.

The emanations exert great pressure on organisms, and through that pressure organisms construct their perceivable world.

In our case, as human beings, we employ those emanations and interpret them as reality.

Individual seers may feel the urge to make comments about certain emanations, but that will remain personal.

The way those emanations are utilized by man is so simple it sounds idiotic.

That particular portion, that handful of emanations that is encased, is what makes us men.

To perceive is to match the emanations contained inside our cocoon with those that are outside.

The emanations inside and the emanations outside are the same filaments of light.

Think of it this way: since some of the emanations outside the cocoon are the same as the emanations inside, their energies are like a continuous pressure.

But the cocoon isolates the emanations that are inside its web and thereby directs the pressure.

The pressure that the emanations outside the cocoon, which are called emanations at large, exert on the emanations inside the cocoon is the same in all sentient beings.

Since by nature the emanations at large are made to fixate what is inside the cocoon, the trick of awareness is to let the fixating emanations merge with what is inside us.

The degree of awareness of every individual sentient being depends on the degree to which it is capable of letting the pressure of the emanations at large carry it.

So when sentient beings are engaged in sexual intercourse, the emanations inside their cocoons do their best to bestow awareness to the new sentient being they are creating.