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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Elucidatory \E*lu"ci*da*to*ry\, a. Tending to elucidate; elucidative. [R.]


a. Serving to elucidate.

Usage examples of "elucidatory".

English biologists are little likely to find Weismann satisfactory for long, and if he breaks down there is nothing left for them but Lamarck, supplemented by the important and elucidatory corollary on his theory proposed by Professor Hering.

My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless, when he has climbed out through them, on them, over them.

Until Adam ceased speaking, having evidently come to an end of what he had to say with regard to this section of his story, the elder man made absolutely no comment whatever, remaining silent, except on a very few occasions asking an elucidatory question now and then.