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elementary schools

n. (plural of elementary school English)

Usage examples of "elementary schools".

Therefore, the Metaverse is wide open and undefended, like airports in the days before bombs and metal detectors, like elementary schools in the days before maniacs with assault rifles.

They are simply commercial undertakings, and in many cases their educational level is actually lower than that of the elementary schools.

But if it is believed that these elementary schools will be better managed by the governor and council, the commissioners of the literary fund, or any other general authority of the government, than by the parents within each ward, it is a belief against all experience.

But he comes to another country, where he is delighted to find everybody studying Greek -- even the smaller kids in the elementary schools.

I mean, if Sesame Street can have an HIV-positive Muppet, why should I be surprised this garbage is making the rounds in our elementary schools?

And we should be doing this not merely with graduate students, but with children drawn from elementary schools, even the nurseries.

This principle is applied most successfully in schools of a higher grade, and might well be considered in connection with the ordinary elementary schools of the Council.

Girls did their service as teaching assistants in elementary schools, helpers in hospitals and nursing homes, or various types of government jobs.

The elementary schools won't be overcrowded anymore, and the high school will be full again, and the junior high will remain about the same.

From the cradle their children, instead of going to the Public Elementary schools (where the art of Feeling is taught,) are sent to higher Seminaries of an exclusive character.