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The Collaborative International Dictionary

electrophoretic \electrophoretic\ adj. of or pertaining to electrophoresis; electrophoretic mobility; accomplished using electrophoresis; as, electrophoretic separation; electrophoretic analysis.

Syn: cataphoretic.


a. of, pertaining to, or produced by electrophoresis


adj. of or relating to electrophoresis [syn: cataphoretic]

Usage examples of "electrophoretic".

There were specialist technicians, including a cell culture expert and another skilled in electrophoretic separation of proteins and nucleic acids.

The tissue cultures, the cats and the rats and the rabbits, the endless chromatographic and electrophoretic analyses.

In the work area around Spearman, the displays and data presentations were showing some of the findings from electron and proton microscopes, gas and liquid chromatographs, electrophoretic analyzers, isotopic imagers, x-ray imagers, ultrasonic imagers, and just about every kind of spectrometer ever invented.