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adv. By means of electronics, or of electronic technology.


adv. by electronic means; "the door opens electronically"

Usage examples of "electronically".

I went to Adena, who was surveying the battlefield with a powerful pair of electronically boosted binoculars.

Electronically, when near the coast - as she was now - the Carib Queen could tell herself precisely where she was.

There came a series of static hisses, pops, and whistles with what might have been two words electronically filtered out.

Or would you rather take the trip to Carbuncle with us, and have your plantation electronically searched for contraband?

If you received it electronically, such person may choose to alternatively give you a second opportunity to receive it electronically.

Michael was less concerned with the bugs, since he packed enough antibugging equipment inside his jacket to electronically fumigate a skyscraper.

But then, he was traveling from one tropical climate to another, and he wouldn't need a shaving kit -- beardlessness was part of what made Indie men seem younger than their years -- and as for papers, those would all have been transmitted electronically.

Some bastard had cauterized all the synapses and electronically traumatised those two lumps of cerebellum.

If you received it on a physical medium, you must return it with your note, and such person may choose to alternatively give you a replacement copy. If you received it electronically, such person may choose to alternatively give you a second opportunity to receive it electronically.

The chips containing the tranship codes are crypted and self-verifying to prevent containers from being electronically hijacked en route.

They can phone New York when a customer asks for a Cyberbook and we can transmit it to them instantly, electronically.

Jake seldom left the disinfected, mostly defoliated, electronically protected confines of Mira City.

It was used on open lines and not only scrambled the communication electronically, but scattered it over numerous wavelengths-across the heavens, as it were-so that a listener without a descrambler would need literally dozens of receivers tuned to different channels to catch every piece of it.

The workroom where Janet and Dorothea's foster sister Ellen Gunn supervised the operation of the airfarm was deserted at this time of the evening, its cluttered desks abandoned, the comĀ­puter displays and sophisticated business machines devoiced but still blinking as they ruminated electronically over cuds of data.

Jason knew that a video camera had just that instant electronically interrogated his right iris, transmitting a host of unique discriminators contained within his eye to a central database, which, in turn, compared the image of his iris to the thirty thousand residing in that computerized file.