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electronic stylus

n. (computer science) a pointer that when pointed at a computer display senses whether or not the spot is illuminated [syn: light pen]

Usage examples of "electronic stylus".

She finished the final corrections and captain's endorsements to Ravicz's report, cross-referenced her own report to Captain Tankersley's, routed copies of all relevant documents to Admiral Sarnow, Admiral Parks, and Third Space Lord Danvers, with yet another copy to the attention of Nike's builders and one for the inspectors aboard Hephaestus, then dashed her signature with the electronic stylus and pressed her thumb to the scan panel with a sigh of relief.

Christian jammed the card down, firm contact, groped for the input slate and the electronic stylus scissor-jointed over it.

One held a hand-sized display screen which she peered at intently, checking off items on a list with an electronic stylus.

He moved a few more items, including a clever kzin memory pad with electronic stylus and screen, from lifeboat to cabin, then attached a ten-meter cable harness from the scooter to the lifeboat's overhead weapon pylon.

Han transferred it to the scrutiny list on the second datapad, then used a electronic stylus to bring up the next entry.

The bearded, white-haired man sat nodding from the display, tapping some sort of electronic stylus against his teeth.

Occasionally, if the verbal shelling from the front bench was heavy, the attorneys had been known to drop an electronic stylus behind the desk, duck down in order to retrieve it, and gain a brief respite from the barrage.

Kinsman nodded, scribbled his signature on the display screen with the electronic stylus she handed him, then got to his feet.