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electronic jamming

n. deliberate radiation or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of disrupting enemy use of electronic devices or systems [syn: jamming, jam]

Usage examples of "electronic jamming".

The unit had then simply dropped off-line, blocked in mid-transmission by sophisticated electronic jamming from a ground-based source.

SAM-killers, armed with the new AGM-88 HARMs (High-speed Anti-Radar Missiles), bundles of chaff, special decoy flares, and electronic jamming gear.

Despite the electronic jamming, the transmitting equipment had to be connected with Houston, in order that the little laser—.

Coming in just off the waves at almost Mach-2 themselves and engaging their full suite of electronic jamming, these aircraft were able to approach to within forty miles of Guam before being positively identified.

Sib knows as much about electronic jamming as any of the rest of us.

We have lost contact with all members of the away team, because of electronic jamming on the planet.

Behind them, traveling more slowly but still sheltered within their pattern of electronic jamming, came the night-black MC-130.

Nonetheless, with each passing second, fewer and fewer of the Enemys radar and laser emitters remain active, and those that do are having a harder and harder time penetrating both the electronic jamming from ECM satellites and spacecraft and the clouds of metallic debris filling Caerns predawn sky.

Also for the cargo ships and aircraft, the communications systems, the laser-guided munitions, the electronic jamming units, the military planning system, the fully modernized command structure?

The pilot deked from side to side, unloading chaff to confuse the missiles, and undoubtedly using electronic jamming as well.