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a. (context medicine English) Causing seizures or convulsions by means of strong electrical shocks.


Usage examples of "electroconvulsive".

Alas, the brief popularity of this idea could not survive the demonstration that long-term memories persisted even if the total electrical activity of the brain was disrupted, by epileptic fits or electroconvulsive shock, for instance, or was brought virtually to zero by coma or concussion.

Susan received treatment for her delusional problems throughout her twenties, up to and including electroconvulsive therapy.

Masterson continued to explain, he considered electroconvulsive treatment, or ECT, which is the equivalent of rebooting a computer versus determining the reason for the errors.

Similar consequences - called retrograde amnesia - follow anaesthetic coma or the disruption of the electrical activity of the brain involved in electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT).

Currently, I'm responsible for all the psychomotor accidents taking place in the world - that's why I've signed myself in here at the hospital for a course of electroconvulsive shock.

Neither electroconvulsive therapy nor a variety of neuroleptic drugs had proven effective.

I know there are cases where barbiturates and even electroconvulsive therapy achieve desirable results, but they're not right for my daughter.

One of the psychotherapists, not Sue Raudsley this time, but probably encouraged by her, had argued for the reintroduction of electroconvulsive therapy in place of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs for endogenous depression.

I'll need a detailed record of any treatment he's received - medication, electroconvulsive therapy, psychotherapy, everything.