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n. (plural of electrician English)

Usage examples of "electricians".

In that way I learned that the prison had no electricians of its own, but was dependent upon the lighting company if anything should go wrong.

That would make that side of the prison perfectly dark while the electricians were searching for the break.

I crept out the windowit was a tight fit, tooreplaced the bars by standing on a narrow ledge and remained in a shadow until the force of electricians arrived.

No chambermaid, no floor waiters, no electricians, plumbers or any other tradesmen to go near his room.

Means that the repair and maintenance electricians don't even have to enter the main building.

By the time the mechanical designers were working on machine number six, the controls people would be on number five, the machinists would be building the parts on number four, the purchasing people would be getting in the purchased parts on number three, the assemblers would be putting number two together in Assembly Bay A, and the electricians and the pipe fitters would be working on machine number one in Assembly Bay B.

We had electricians designing controls and machinists designing what they usually build.

Young electricians, carpenters, general maintenance men ,and miners who still wore the red hard hat that signified that they had been in the mine for less than six months.

All passengers who have been assigned duties as electricians come forward and group yourselves around me.

There was considerable milling around before the electricians had made their way in the direction indicated by voice alone.

The electricians had contrived a catchment pool and a wheel in the torrent close at hand—for the little Mulhausen dynamo with its turbinal volute used by the telegraphists was quite adaptable to water driving, and on the sixth day in the evening the apparatus was in working order and the Prince was calling—weakly, indeed, but calling—to his air-fleet across the empty spaces of the world.

A red fire spluttered and blazed close by the electricians at their work, and red gleams ran up the vertical steel mast and threads of copper wire towards the zenith.