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electric sander

n. a power tool used for sanding wood; a loop of sandpaper is moved at high speed by an electric motor [syn: drum sander, sander, smoother]

Usage examples of "electric sander".

The cellar had been Henry Petrie's domain, and it reflected his personality perfectly: Three high-intensity lights had been hung in a straight line over the work area, each shaded with a wide metal shell that allowed the light to fall with strong brilliance on the planer, the jigsaw, the bench saw, the lathe, the electric sander.

Don, He was carrying an electric sander and wearing large plastic goggles which covered his eyes and most of his scar.

They did repaint the airplane however, as just one night in the wind-blown Arabian desert had so ruined the finish it looked like someone had taken an electric sander to it.

In the right corner there was a drill press, and next to it an electric sander and buffer.