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electric circuits

n. (electric circuit English)

Usage examples of "electric circuits".

These completely separate brakes were held in on position by their springs until the electric circuits were actuated.

That leaves about fifteen hundred condensers, twenty thousand individual electric circuits, five hundred vacuum cells, a thousand relays, and upty-ump thousand other individual pieces of complexity that can be wrong.

The pull of one of the small levers, which protruded like bookmarks from the shelves, threw thousands of electric circuits into motion, made thousands of contacts and broke as many others, set dozens of switches to clear a chosen course and dozens of signals to light it, with no error left possible, no chance, no contradiction —.

They had simply to wait for Limn to nullify the critical electric circuits so that the ship could not function.

Dormant machines would have flickered to life when first light struck the decoy balloons, electric circuits closing.