n. (plural of electric car English)
Usage examples of "electric cars".
Besides, electric cars, as far as I know, aren't specially speedy.
The stadium was surrounded by broad black expanses of parking lot, now filled with a multihued harvest of electric cars.
In addition, sulphur compounds deriving from algae and diatoms, mixed with the ozone generated by the sparks of electric cars and tramways, impregnate the air throughout the galleries and stalls.
Little electric cars hummed up and down the narrow streets, most piled high with boxes.
There was some traffic on the dual-carriageway Al - horsedrawn drays, electric cars, and small methane-fuelled vans.
What are the odds that electric cars will supplant gas-driven automobiles in the next fifteen years?
An electric truck passed through the main gate to the harbor and pier, followed by four small electric cars and a wavering line of men and women on bicycles.
J-class missions, with advanced LMs, three-day stays on the surface, long-duration backpacks that would extend each moonwalk to up to seven hours, and electric cars.