n. an electoral register
The electoral roll (or electoral register) is a listing of all those registered to vote in a particular area. The register facilitates the process of voting, helps to prevent fraud and may also be used to select people for jury duty. Electoral registers are used in for example the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.
Usage examples of "electoral roll".
Yes, the voice from the borough hall told him, a Mr Charles Harold Calthrop was indeed the tenant of the flat at that address, and was listed on the electoral roll as a voter of that borough.
The following morning, a visit to Gosport Town Hall on Walpole Road yielded a copy of the electoral roll, giving the names and occupations of the occupants.
One Konrad Schneider was worth a million names on an electoral roll.
The Emperor Augustus has ordered that every Jewish man report to his home town to see that his name is added to the electoral roll.