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n. 1 A female elder. 2 A woman ordained to rule or teach in a church.

Usage examples of "eldress".

The eldress I had met a year ago sat across from the door on a pile of cushions.

The eldress pointed to a spot near the door and Janiya and I sat down.

That was a clan eldress with only one eye, and a scar that stretched from forehead to chin.

She bowed to the eldress as she brought in a white sauce to dip the cakes in, and left for the last time.

I told Janiya and the eldress where Lauria and I had gone, and what we saw and learned.

As eldress of all the clans, on my authority, I grant a pardon to Lauria.

I said and made a mental note that I must find out what would be a suitable gift for a Losheffan eldress who has done you a great service.

Tamar bristled slightly at that, and the eldress laughed at her, a little unkindly.

To the side of the platform where the eldress sat rested a small wooden box, carved with a constellation of stars and polished to a velvet sheen.

I kept my face neutral, but suspected that the eldress guessed my thoughts.

I think the eldress is being nice to us because we have two new recruits.

And the truth was, I was afraid that if I waited, the eldress would change her mind.

I joined the Alashi, the eldress said they would teach me to live as a free person.

I thought about the army of slaves the eldress had mentioned so casually.

HELP is a tool, by which the Eldress claims her own when their rightful time comes---or punishes them for infractions against her will.