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n. (plural of elaboration English)


Elaborations is jazz saxophonist Arthur Blythe's fifth album for the Columbia label recorded in New York City in 1982.

Usage examples of "elaborations".

They can't do the big stuff, so they engage in cryptic little elaborations, and the big game tolerates and then becomes addicted to their subtle plays .

Such a definition and its countless elaborations may be useful to 'the professionals', but how useful are these formulations to people who hurt?

They are what Piaget calls intellectual elaborations in the construction of causality.

Some further elaborations are desirable, but we can ignore them for the present.

Everyone peered down at the object inside: a carefully carved fabrication of soapstone slabs and other pieces, stained black, and decorated with a hundred elaborations carved from onyx, jet and agate.

And here, scarce aware of what impelled her, she returned to her former elaborations and colourings.

One can anticipate fantastic variations and elaborations of the same principles in the planning of retail stores in the future.

Reaching beyond these simple elaborations of the present, we shall also witness a revolutionary expansion of certain industries whose sole output consists not of manufactured goods, nor even of ordinary services, but of pre-programmed "experiences.