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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Eject \E*ject"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ejected; p. pr. & vb. n. Ejecting.] [L. ejectus, p. p. of ejicere; e out + jacere to throw. See Jet a shooting forth.]

  1. To expel; to dismiss; to cast forth; to thrust or drive out; to discharge; as, to eject a person from a room; to eject a traitor from the country; to eject words from the language. ``Eyes ejecting flame.''
    --H. Brooke.

  2. (Law) To cast out; to evict; to dispossess; as, to eject tenants from an estate.

    Syn: To expel; banish; drive out; discharge; oust; evict; dislodge; extrude; void.


vb. (present participle of eject English)

Usage examples of "ejecting".

As he flew under me I banked the Bronco on its side so I could watch his CBU pods ejecting their lethal bomblets.

The objects, which by now Ishmael had assumed were pilots ejecting from a fighter, started to fall at their apex.

Classic evasion tactics called for him to go deep, forcing the torpedo to follow him down, leaving hard knuckles in the water as he went and ejecting decoys and noisemakers.

But, instead of completing the turn, he turned back toward the other contact while simultaneously ejecting his own mass of chaff and flares.